Congratulations to the 2024 WHPE Grant Recipients!
- Congratulations to the 2024 WHPE Grant Recipients!
- “Cardio Room Improvements” – Michelle Keller, Richland School District
- “Adventures in Archery” – Zack Colby, New Glarus School District
- “Going Gaga” – Courtney Lukasavitz, Indian Community School
- “Softer is Safer” – Josh Tebo, Madison Metro School District
- “Gifford Middle School Heart Rate Monitors” – Alex Grycowski, Racine Unified School District
- “Grab your balls- It’s time for ping pong” – Jenny Jandre, Kewaskum School District
Guidelines for requesting WHPE Grants
Revised July, 2021 by the WHPE Board of Directors. The mission of Wisconsin Health and Physical Education (WHPE) is to provide members with professional development opportunities and be advocates for our profession. In support of this mission, WHPE provides grant monies to schools, communities, organizations, and individuals to help pay for equipment, research, or programs consistent with the WHPE mission.
Criteria for Consideration of Proposals
All project proposals must be submitted by only WHPE members.
Proposals should accurately describe the value of the project and the population that will benefit from the grant. The WHPE grants committee will give a higher priority to proposals that will serve the most people.
Higher priority will be given to those grant proposals which incorporate the following elements:
Matching Funds: The Local Parent-Teacher Organization, school district, community merchants or any other company, institution or organization could provide partial/full funds.
Public Relations/Recognition: Educating the general public (students through senior citizens) through community outreach programs such as a “health fair”; after hours use of a facility; presentations to local community groups (Lions Club, Junior Women’s, etc.); presentations to professional groups (WHPE, CESA, surrounding school districts, etc.); articles in local paper; affixing the WHPE logo and/or a plaque giving recognition WHPE.
Historically, and depending on funds available, grants have been up to $2,000.00.
Any WHPE member receiving a grant in the previous three years will be allowed to submit a grant but the submission will only be considered if other grant applications are deemed by the grants committee to not fulfill the grant requirements.
WHPE Board Members are not eligible to apply for a WHPE Grant during their term.
All project proposals must be accompanied by the WHPE GRANT PROPOSAL COVER SHEET.
Nature of Proposals: Proposals may take several forms. For example, requests for purchase of equipment, audiovisual material, instructional or testing aids for statewide material workshops, for support of research for curricular development, developmental projects, or professional development. Requests may be made for the entire cost, or for starting costs, i.e. “seed money”.
Routing of Proposals
All proposals will be sent to the WHPE office at 145 Mitchell Hall, 1725 State Street, La Crosse, WI 54601. The deadlines for submission will be February 1st each year.
The WHPE Association Manager will make copies of the proposal for the Grants Committee and forward the original to the chair of the Grants Committee.
The Grants Committee will consider all proposals and make their recommendations to the WHPE Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will meet or teleconference to approve or disapprove the recommendations of the Grants Committee. The President will inform the Grants Committee Chair of the Executive Committee’s approval or disapproval of the proposals.
The chair of the Grants Committee will notify everyone who submitted a grant proposal of the Executive Committee’s decisions.
When notified that a grant has been approved, the requestor will write to the WHPE Association Manager to request payment of 100% of the total amount.
Sample Proposal Format with suggested headings.
Cover letter with title and rationale for the proposal.
Description of the target population.
Description and timetable of procedures to be followed.
Description of method of assessment or evaluation of the proposed activity.
Description of the method of reporting outcomes of the project.
Dollar amount requested.
Proposed budget (including other sources of available funds).
Name, address, phone number of the contact person for the project.
A list of the cooperating organization(s), if any, and evidence to the extent of their cooperation including matching funds. (examples: letter(s) of commitment with signature authority; receipts; purchase orders; etc.).
Final report
Contact person for a project that is funded is responsible for the preparation of a final report within 60 days after completion of the project. It shall be submitted to the WHPE Association Manager who will forward a copy to the Grants Committee chair.
At the conclusion of the project the contact person shall be accountable as to how that money was spent and the final report should include a detailed financial report.
As part of the final report, the contact person will give a brief oral report on the project at the annual WHPE Convention in October. The Grants Committee Chair will be responsible for planning this convention session. This session should include all grant recipients from the preceding year.
Grants Committee:
Composition: The Grants Committee will include at least one past president plus 3-5 interested members of the Association appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The chair of this committee will also be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.
Terms of Appointment: Normally, staggered three (3) year appointments beginning with the last day of the annual WHPE convention.
Charge: The Committee will consider all proposals, select those meeting the general considerations, judge their merit and rank the selected proposals for consideration by the Executive Committee. Upon written approval of the Executive Committee, the Grants Committee chair will inform the recipients and direct them to contact the WHPE Association Manager to arrange for payment. The Committee will maintain financial records which detail the status of funded projects.
Reporting: The Grants Committee will prepare and present an annual financial report to the Board of Directors. This annual report will be presented to the Board of Directors at the State Convention or the last meeting before the convention.
Available Funding
Each year the WHPE Board of Directors will decide on the total amount of money to be awarded in grants. This will be approved as part of the annual operating budget.
Grant funds not dispersed or encumbered within 12 months of approval will be deposited or invested by the Treasurer and may be made part of the following year’s total operating budget.
Association Manager, WHPE
145 Mitchell Hall, UW-LA Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601-3788
Original Guidelines, 1981
Guidelines revised April 1990, April 1991, April 1992, August 2004, April 2007, January 2015, July 2021