HPE at Home


Check out these APE resources from Brad Weiner


Or from Special Olympics: https://www.specialolympicswisconsin.org/health/fit5/

Tracking Sheets (page 31) and important information about nutrition, hydration, and exercise.

2. View the FIT5 videos and Fitness Cards for tips and tricks to complete your 30 minutes of daily exercise.

3. Track your weekly nutrition, hydration, and exercise goals on the FIT5 Tracking Sheets.

4. Send completed FIT5 Tracking Sheets from all 5 weeks of the Challenge to [email protected] to complete the challenge and be entered into the drawing for the grand prize!


Search Twitter: #HPEatHome

Or access to Google Drive Folder that has assignments shared by TOYs throughout the country.


Matt Pomeroy (WHPE SE district coordinator) created a website for #physed activities so students can have resources to help them workout when they are at home.


From SHAPE America:


SHAPE America is dedicated to helping physical education and health education teachers across the country as many schools and school districts are moving to distance learning due to COVID-19. In response, we have created a collection of resources from SHAPE America and other K-12 health and physical educators to help you continue to provide high-quality, standards-based lessons despite the circumstances

From OPEN (Online Physical Education Network)


Active Home : There are 2 types of tools on this page. On the left, you’ll find games and calendars for families to use to make their home an Active Home. On the right, you’ll find resources to help teachers and parents partner together to provide meaningful movement opportunities that progress students toward physical education and social & emotional learning outcomes. Check back often for updates.

#physed/#healthed Ts just starting down the eLearning road please check out http://cbhpe.org/projector. In the #HPEatHome section we have tons of activities available. Be sure to go to “file”, “make a copy”, set as “anyone w/the link can view & share with your students! by Mark and Becky Foellmer

PE/Health/Tech Enrichment Activities by Mr.Rodriguez


More video resources:




In the folder, you will find sub-folders for areas of methods, assessment, curriculum, activity-based courses. All resources in this folder will be shared with the members of this division. If you think there needs to be a new folder, please add it. I hope we are able to collaborate and support each other as we address these challenging times. If you wanted to reach out directly to a colleague, you can use the Higher Education Collaboration document.

Please feel free to contribute to the folder linked here: WHPE Resources for Remote Learning (Higher Education).

SEL – Want to add SEL journal prompts to your online assignments?

52 Journal Prompts to Build Kids Self Esteem & Confidence

1. What is your greatest talent?

2. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

3. How do your parents encourage you to be more confident?

4. Write about a unique quality you have that makes you special.

5. Write down five things that define who you are, listing them as “I am ____,” statements. Take a few minutes to think about each one. Which quality feels the best?

Want more? Go to : https://www.journalbuddies.com/journaling-resources/self-esteem-confidence-journal-prompts-for-kids/

Online Delivery Strategies

Zoom Tips for Teachers:


A list of varied platforms you could use:
